Amalgamated Distribution
Since 1989, Amalgamated has been providing quality Distribution services and same-day courier services to the Melbourne Metro market at a competitive price.
Our dedicated customer services and operations team manages all of your deliveries, so you can worry less about shipments and focus on your core business instead.
Amalgamated has been operating a parcel distribution services with Operational Centres located in Kensington and Clayton boasting a fleet vehicles service that service the Metropolitan Melbourne markets.
Amalgamated provides service to many industries.

Construction - Pathology - Medical - Mail - Printing - Legal - Retail & Wholesale
When you want efficient, professional service, you can count on Metrans!
Local Control Centres
Amalgamated has multiple advanced control centres with a modern fleet of monitored van, trays and taxi trucks.
All Goods Delivered
Using the latest dispatch and tracking software we ensure that all your deliveries are completed in full and on-time.
Proof of Delivery
Deliveries receive a real time proof of delivery sent directly to you when the job has been completed.